L' Shana Tova

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Arizona Tragedy

This situation is not reflective of our current political tone but of the state of mental health care in this country. How much do you wanna bet the parents of this troubled young man made enoromous attempts to have him treated only to be turned away or barred due to lack of insurance or the fact that at the time they attempted to psychiatrically hospitalize him, "he didn't seem to pose a threat to self or others"? What you wanna beat they too tried to warn authorities about his escalating violent behavior only to be brushed off basically because either he was uninsured or wasn't showing violent signs at the time and the hosptial/medical staff could readily dump him back on the parents?

Gun control is not the issue either. If this guy couldn't have gotten a gun, he likely would have used a knife - maybe less deadly but it can be equally as damaging. Tough gun regulations wouldn't have helped either as he had never been psychiatrically hospitalized nor did he have a felony record. So folks, leave Sarah Palin and the liberals alone.

The fault is with us for not accepting the social relevance health care has for all of us. Mental illness can hit any family, wealthy, middle-class, and poor aliket and trying to find good treatment for a relative is cost money, time and emotional resources that few of us have in abundance. Health care reform is for all of us and guess what, if we had done something about it - coughed up the dollars years back, maybe that Congresswomen wouldn't be lying in a hospital bed fighting for a quality of life that will likely never return and a 9 year old born on 9/11 wouldn't have lost her life in tragedy.

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