L' Shana Tova

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I've now turned 22

Today's my birthday. So far, so good. I woke up this morning breathing well, as usual. Sweetness got off to school and back fine, without the local child molesters, bullies, and various neighborhood wild dogs from attacking her. No one pissed me off too much at work (and it turns out the new secretary is a real keeper after all!). Got a lovely card from my cousin (THANKS MICHELLE!). Mr. Grumpy is taking me out to a fabulous sounding restaurant he heard about on Food Network. And today a client was grateful and said I helped him have hope. Not bad, I'd say.

It is like I have learned about this adult thing. All throughout adolescence and those early 20s, we chase after happiness, like it is a prize behind a curtain on Let's Make a Deal or the Price Is Right. But it isn't about happiness-that's just some drug the advertisers or the drug dealers peddle to us so we keep wanting something that either we can't have or won't stay long. The goal is contentment-a sense that the small stuff that brings a smile and a "thanks" is just enough. A sense that everything doesn't need a bright, shiny package. It's the knowledge that you are cared for, remembered, valued, loved, needed and that is enough. Wow, as the musical said, "Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day...."

Now, that doesn't mean I don't want that new Droid that just came out.......

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! I'd make it a national holiday if I could (Obama, are you listening?) and give you all the day off, if I could.

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