L' Shana Tova

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Long Time Coming

Almost done with another Torchwood story - another in a line of explanations of Jack and Ianto's relationship. Two more and I'm done. And right on time as the rummors are that the next series will start 7/1/11. At that point, I will be ready for the new thread. I won't miss Ianto actually. By writing this, he's all played out (wait 'till you read it and you'll see why!) and I am ready for Jack to move on. What I will miss is this character I created as their couples counselor, Rabbi Aliyah Teelbaum. I've described her as "Halle Berry's body with Whoopie Goldberg's mind" is both were otherworld Jews. The rabbi is the head of Torchwood Jerusalem, started by Queen Victoria. Anticipating a rift forming as part of the return of the Jews (and the messiah) to the Holy Land, the queen thought to anticipate things. She is an immortal like Jack but came to it "naturally" - her people are pre-Moses immigrant Hebrews from Egypt who, when the aliens came to give the Egyptians all their technology, left with them and settled on the earth-like planet, Jersalin Prime. People like Aliyah have a recessive gene that grants them immortality and mild psychic abilities. She has know Jack from back in his Time Agency days and is one of the few people immune to his charms. She also sees Jack for what he is and is not shy about telling him about himself. Part "momma with a bowl of chicken soup", part yenta Aliyah is the one who encourages the relationship, convinces Jack not to pursue Gwen, and ultimately gets Jack to marry. I love this lady! She is me better looking and a hell of a lot more wise.

But I love her for another reason - she demonstrates a sense of being Jewish that takes us out of the shtetl but not all the way to Woody Allen. Guess what folks, you can be Jewish and observant without walking around in black all day or with your head constantly covered by an ugly wig. I wanted an opportunity to share the observance of reform and conservative Jews who make up the majority of the Jewish population of the world, particularly the U.S. I get tired of depictions of us that basically reinforce the same old tired anti-Jewish crap Hitler passed out as fact back in '33. It's time the majority Christian public come up to the 21st century about this too. If you are going to hate me, get some new material, will ya?

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