L' Shana Tova

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Quick Thoughts

- Everyone is criticizing President Obama. The complaints from the right are to be expected but the folks on the left should be ashamed of themselves. This president has done more to finish the Clinton agenda than Bush did to destroy it.

- Turns out that states like mine, Michigan, are loosing out to the "sunbelt" areas in the south, like Texas. But who are we loosing? If we are loosing older folks, retiring baby boomers, I say "good luck and G-d's speed". Let Florida get that social security, Medicaid, and transportation burden.

- Can Gordon Ramsey relax and let another foodie have a reality show for a change?

- If the next season of Torchwood, "New World", quickly introduces a new love interest for Captain Jack, will everyone just shut up about Ianto, finally?

- Is it just me but did anyone else find the last Harry Potter movie at bit like a Breck play?

- Why do people come into the shop on "Pawn Stars" with items that are better auctioned through Sotheby's or sold to some museum?

- Looking for a good Chinese restaurant for Christmas . . .

- Catch the black guy in the singing commercial for Marshall's and TJ Maxx? He is T.C. Carlson, the character Kyle Barker from the 90s TV show/black sitcom "Living Single".

- Now that I am a few shades on the other side of 40, I find myself recalling the lyrics of Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here" and wondering how much of a failure I am:
And did they get you to trade
Your heros for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange
A walk on part in the war
For a lead role in a cage?

- Had a client come into today to tell me that her boyfriend got mad at her six week old puppy for taking a pee on the floor of the abandoned home they are squatting in. The boyfriend strangled the puppy's throat and then punched it several times in the head. I'm not mad at the boyfriend for he's just one of your run-of-a-mill, Detroit-designer sociopaths. I pissed at her for not killer him and ending society's responsibility for housing the basterd in some prison or another. I came home and cuddled up with my dog.

- My new clinical supervisor is marvelous!

- WARNING: MORE TORCHWOOD . . . My daughter suspects the fangrrls will be happy as long as the story has Jack fucking some man. How boring! What made the relationship fascinating wasn't that it was two men but that it was an immortal and a mortal trying to figure out how to be in love.

- Have you noticed more east Indians in our commericals and TV programs lately? What's that all about?

- Supposedly, CNN is trying to "define itself". It isn't sure if it wants to be a news or entertainment network like FOX News or MSNBC. I say it be more like NPR and NPR be less disappointing.

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