L' Shana Tova

Sunday, May 6, 2007


I really can’t wait until this argument about the Iraq war is over. I scream every time my CNN or NPR commentators used the typical buzz words or talking points. The one phrase that really gets under my skin is the phrase “putting our soldiers in harm’s way”. Excuse me? If you didn’t want to get shot at or have to shoot someone, you probably should have considered that before you signed you life away to Uncle Sam and his minions. I expect soldiers to “be in harms way”, just as I expect lawyers to write legal briefs and go to court, doctors to deal with blood and pain, and IT folks to fix my computer when it makes that funny noise. If you are a soldier, you should expect that there is strong possibility, no matter which “all you can be” package you bought from which arms service you joined, that you could be “put in harms way” because that is your job. As the president said, “[You’ve] got to fight them over there so [I] don’t have to fight them over here.” And if you really believed all the promotion the recruiter gave you, I’ve got some swamp land just outside New Orleans that I’ll give to you cheap.

Now, do I think we should be needlessly and senselessly allowing our young men and women to be scarred by this war? No, but that is why I’m in support of “cut and run”.

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