L' Shana Tova

Monday, September 3, 2007


Doing good in the mist of evil is the America way and Gene Roddenberry was nothing but an illuminator of the best of a liberal democracy. We think that good intensions, kindness, and respect for life and living is all that one needs to unite humankind. Yet, the Iraqi War has demonstrated that doing good doesn't matter. Despite Bush's duplicity, thousands of American soldiers are rebuilding infrastructure, treating wounds, training a new security force and passing out candy to kids only to have the same people laugh while planting bombs along the road side. We and these soldiers live the Roddenberry philosophy while many parts of the world think we are stupid. These people would hate us if we were born-again Muslims. There is nothing we can do to change that and we should stop trying. We cannot embrace cultural diversity by ourselves.

Given that, we should also change our foreign policy and stop trying to get along, making friends or enhancing precarious alliances. I happen to like the "the enemy of my enemy is just another enemy" and suggest we be honest about our interests (oil and strategic position in the region) then leave it at that.

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