L' Shana Tova

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


1) Why can’t we talk about death without being labeled as being morbid? Can’t we have a honest discussion before death about our expectations of it? We can’t stop the fact that we are dying so why not give those that are living some guidelines of how we want things to go. This seems more natural in a society that doesn’t have a national religion (as much as others would like to think otherwise). Other places have these things mapped out with distinct rules and codes of conduct while we rely on the families themselves to make things clear. Yet, when the VA creates a pamphlet that addresses these issues to people who at least statistically more likely to die young than the rest of us who don’t drink/drug and drive, there’s an outrage that sounds strangely close to “Where you ever a member of the Communist Party?”. Listen, we need to be at least honest about death when it comes asking 20-40 years to put their lives on the line. They deserve that much.

2) If we punish the doctor who last gave Michael Jackson the dosage of propofol then drug dealers, beware. What’s stopping your local public persecutor from sending throngs of cops to sweep the inner city of crack and heroin dealers, breaking down doors and roughing up the gangbangers to incarcerate those selling poison to the whores walking toothless around the corners? Soon city bulldozers will crawl across the landscape, knocking down crack shacks while Habitat For Humanity builds single family homes. Do you know why all this won’t happen? ‘Cuz Jackson has something those people don’t-importance.

3) I just read this:
“CLEARWATER, Fla. – Authorities said a man was arrested after being accused of leaving two small children in his vehicle while he was in a Clearwater strip club. The Pinellas County Sheriff's Office reports that the 33-year-old man left a 3-year-old and a 4-year-old in a car late Sunday night. The report said the man was in the club, drinking at the bar, for 30 to 60 minutes. The nature of the relationship between the man and the children was not released. He was arrested on two felony counts of child neglect and is being held at the Pinellas County Jail on $10,000 bail.”

Now, this guy’s a dumb ass. You mean to tell me he couldn’t find some bitch to take those brats? *Geeze* They just don’t make real men anymore. (And if you don’t get the sarcasm, shame on you.)

A GREAT READ THIS MONTH: Harper's Magazine (9/09 issue)

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