L' Shana Tova

Thursday, April 5, 2007


Reality programs are hot. As much as we constantly complain about them, we watch and watch in increasingly record numbers. And we will watch ANYTHING, from break ups to silly looking people doing obstacle courses-we'll even watch stuff from foreign countries (note the cable station G4's, "Ninja Warriors") as long as there dubbing. It seems everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame and will do anything for it (note cable station FUSE's "Pants Off/Dance Off").

Okay. So why not let Detroit take advantage of this reality show craze before the public's eye turns to something else mind melting? Detroit's TV stations should pool their video feeds of all the stupid stuff our so-called community and political figures do and create our own reality show from it. Why should CNN and MSNBC get this for free when we could use this stuff to improve schools, roads, and other public services that will get REAL leaders back within city limits?

What should we call it? Motown-Low Down? Folks Behaving Badly? Turn Out The Lights?
And let's start with the grape throwing lady at Wednesday's school council meeting, including the sound effect of a hard "splat" of small fruit hitting someone on the forehead as well as the school board member's subsequent screams of pain and agony. I mean, after all, if we are going to do something in this town, let's do it right, for once.

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