L' Shana Tova

Thursday, August 16, 2007


The media has had an odd relationship with this Bob Murray guy. He’s the strange little old man who owns that mine in Utah that has held hostage in its bowels for a week plus six or so dead miners. He is clearly either crazy or crazy like a fox, demanding a seismic event out of either his stupidity or a desperation spread like mayo on a BLT. The media is not sure, so they are planning this one close to the vest. It was the 3rd and now the 4th headliner (rightfully since the Peruvian earthquake), as the media continue to complicatedly say, “Sorry to burden you with this, for we all KNOW truth.”) The media is in a difficult position. Work too hard to show up this mad or crafty old man and they could come out looking like the bad guys instead of him. And that’s bad for business. No matter, crazy or crafty, the old man wins. And they pretend it isn’t a story.

Maybe the real story is the lack of imagination on the part of the media. This Murray guy has effectively blocked any attempt to sensationalize this incidence by blunting any information from within the miner ranks, both in Utah or nationally. Yet, I hear no investigative, “special reports” where some talking head reads from the prompter the hard work of someone who bothered to read a few bureaucratic records and convince people to be revealing on tape. This from a group that figured a spin on a guy who hid his face in duc tape to rob “$2.99” from a convenience store. Ah, but that was easy ‘cuz the laughs were built in.
In a day or so, they are going to pull the bodies of those miners out of their coal grave. I sure hope they rank it up a notch.

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