L' Shana Tova

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


As a psychologist who has worked exclusively in the ‘hood all her life, I’ve seen and watched a lot. From mothers arriving to their child’s therapy session so drunk, they fell walking up the stairs. I’ve had 16 year old sociopaths justify raping their 4 year old sisters (she was there). And now, working in an adult substance abuse treatment program, I have the privilege of listening to grown men argue with me that the state shouldn’t have taken their driver’s license after that fourth DUI. Somedays my finely trained empathy skills are tested to be sure but then again, as constantly happens, something comes along that even throws me off my game. This story ran on AOL and CNN. Listen, if any of my readers out there are in the “Nip/Tuck” business, please consider helping this Iraqi family. It is bad enough that we are helping extremists with their target practice and maybe this would have happened under Saddam (G-d knows other horrible things did!) but this is happening under our watch. Let’s show the world, yet again, that our American generosity goes farther than giving Paris Hilton a break at the courthouse.
Watch the video below and help anyway you can.

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