L' Shana Tova

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Working as a program director at a substance abuse treatment facility, I know that I am more than alittle sensitive around addiction issues and not just the usual kinds like drugs and alcohol. Gambling, eating disorders, and sex addiction are all proving themselves to have similar neurological features as the usual suspects. So, this "energy drink" craze has really gotten to me. I like a Starbucks once in a while like everybody else but do I need my esspresso "supersized"? And do I need it at this cost?

I just read an article on AOL that talked about the Dumbest Products of 2007 (http://money.aol.com/inc/general/dumbest-products-2007)where the mention products called "Blow" (an energy drink) and "NRG Potato Chips" both of which are allegedly energy boosters. They also contain, as do most energy boosting products, a chemical called taurine. This got me curious, so I looked this up both on WedMD and Wikipedia. The quote from Wikipedia was the best:
"Taurine, or 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, is an organic acid. It is also a major constituent of bile, and can be found in lower amounts in the tissues of many animals including humans."

BILE?!!! You mean people are voluntarily injest stuff that their butts are actively trying to get out? How gross is that? This further convinces me that most folks are social snobs. The same folk who condemn people addicted to illegal drugs or alcohol are buying these energy drinks by the case. So, will the real addict stand up ~ oh yeah, you can't 'cuz the drink has you running in circles around yourself.

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