L' Shana Tova

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Black Bi Bitch is Back

Okay. I dropped the ball only to pick stuff up via Twitter. I'll keep this section long and infreqent but those of you who need "up to the minute" thoughts, catch the Twitter which my lazy behind can do from my Palm on my couch.
Like most people, I have worried about work. No "pity-party" here, just a realization-what do you do when you know your a carchacture of the "peter priniciple"? I have reached a point where my progressive, loud stance of serious religious stances has protrayed me as emotional. I have held to my teenage rebel stance for sometime and been rewarded for it. It's gotten things done as an advocate for the "little people" but is impressing no one anymore. In this society it is not enough to be smart, one has to be clever with a touch of luck and a dash of good timing. This is why Hitler rose to power - the perfect storm of intrapersonal dishonesty and rage fueled revenge. Ah. I shouldn't complain for it has been a good ride, all in all.

The limitation is self-imposed. It isn't like I don't understand the show~it mimics what you saw on the Senate floor. Didn't you just love watching old white men chastise some middle aged Latina, "Oh, Maria! Como esta, sweetie. Go back and clean the bathroom right." It just bugs me that after pretending to be an entitled, manipulative fuck in some time I will enjoy the perks of it all and just be it to make up for the horror I fell within myself. Ah, the Shakespearean crisis of it all!

Seriously, I'm back. And I got more stuff about the miseries of middle management, loving bisexually, thinking Jewish, and always living the political "la veva loca" kinda life.


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