L' Shana Tova

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

TORCHWOOD – Reincarnation

(An original story idea by the facilitator of this blog; no permission to be republished or used without written consent)

• Main Plot – Overview: A Pakistani-based terrorist organization has joined forces with an alien group, the Rathens, to disrupt the food supply in Northern India by infecting its chickens with what originally appears to be swine flu.
• Subplot - Overview: A Nijillian a race of empathies and soul hosts (creatures who freely volunteer to host the good souls of those who die wrongfully), has come to the HUB III via The Doctor’s Tardis and announces that she is Ianto.
• Main Theme – Aliens and terrorists are joining forces and this is a hint that Torchwood must not only watch humans as well as aliens.
• SubTheme – Ashya, the Nijillian, has been sent to Jack (on the behest of The Doctor) to help Jack finish healing from the losses of his Torchwood staff, especially Ianto and his grandson.

(1st Scene)
(After initial credits run, there is a typical space scene with stars and planets off to the distance. There is no music or any other sound. Suddenly, a star like figure off to the far right of the screen brightens enough to draw attention then darkens, nearly going out. Then, as suddenly as before, the star like figure brightens again but the white light expands eventually encompassing the entire screen. Simultaneous to the expanding light is the growing sound of a man screaming “Jack!” As soon as the white light widens completely, the screen goes immediately black. The words, “One month after Jack leaves earth the second time . . . “come on the screen and the scene opens with a view of a Indian soldiers harassing an old Kashmiri man and what looks to be his 6 year old grandson while they attempt to pass across the dirty road of an intersection bustling with older, noisy cars, people rushing by on bikes and rickshaws-none of whom are paying any attention to the argument, escalating in the Kashmiri language between the old man and the three soldiers. In the lower right hand corner of the screen comes the words, “Srnagar, Kasmir, Northern India”. As the untranslated voices get louder, the gesticulations of the older man intensify and the grandson cowers more behind his grandfather’s back. The two of the three soldiers are arguing while the other stands watching. After a few seconds, the third soldier gets an exacerbated look on his face, pulls out a pistol and shoots the old man. The other two soldiers stop for long enough to make sure the fallen old man is moving and all three leave, with the little boy standing, shaking over the body. No one else in the crowd dares to acknowledge the scene, let alone help the boy except a young man sitting at a table at an outdoor café. He looks to be about 25 and is dress in the local custom. He stands up, intending on going over to help the boy but is stopped by hand of his companion, an older, muscular gentleman also from this region.)
Khayaal (tugging harder on Raat’s arm, causing Khayaal to nearly stand up; nearly whispering in Arabic): Leave it be.
Raat (turns briefly toward Khayaal then looks at the boy; the camera takes on his view of the child sobbing while standing and staring at the dead body): What? Shouldn’t we help him? Isn’t that what we do? (He steps back toward his chair)
Khayaal (shaking his head as if to admire yet chastise his young comrade): Leave him to Darwin. He will either grow to be a great leader or to be a bomb maker. Either way, he will serve Allah. (Comforted that the younger man is no longer distracted, Khayaal gives the waiter what the waiter agrees is a handsome payment with tip and motions for Raat to follow him) Come, our business is nearby and we don’t want to keep our “visitors” (a word he emphasizes) waiting.
Raat (reluctantly pulling away his gaze at the boy): Yes, uncle.
(As the two leave the outdoor café, the camera pans with them long enough for the two to pass away from the café but stops suddenly but briefly to eventually pan in to a chicken coop with 4 dead chickens inside-screen fades to black.)

(2nd scene)
(The words, “Gwen and Rhys’ baby is one year old” come on the black screen and the scene opens to Gwen, Rhys, Jack, and the new baby who is desperately trying to walk over to Jack.

MORE LATER . . . .

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