L' Shana Tova

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Obama’s Skippy, Self Fools, and (of course) TORCHWOOD

Why did Obama apologize for what most colored folk feel about the incident with Professor Gates? Was this an event where two egos clashed and the one with the power won out? You bet yah! Did the cop act “stupidly”? You bet yah! Is this a race and class issue? You bet yah! White folks are overly sensitive about something they otherwise don’t care about. They want racism to go away but continue to do the same things over and over to reconfirm its existence. Then colored folk find reasons to confirm white folks’ stereotypes, the rates of crime, drug use, and fatherless homes. I long ago gave up on trying teach white folk how to act and I am about to give up on colored folk too-there is just too much investment in being foolish and trifling on both sides. The only difference is that one side has more power than the other, so their stupidity causes more trouble and pain. Obama shouldn’t have apologized but stood by his friend and demanded that other police officers not fall back all the time on their badge whenever they feel they have been disrespected. I don’t need to respect you. I just need to obey the law and I make the laws, not you. Enough said.

Speaking of fools, when did we Americans become so cruel and selfish? Since this economic downturn, particularly starting with the problems in the housing market, and now with the health care debate, I am astonished by the words coming out of people’s mouths. “I’m not paying for somebody else’s stupidity” or “I am not going to pay more taxes to cover some lazy person’s health insurance”. It is amazing how little we want to invest in each other and the country as a whole but the second our piece of the pie is threatened, we’ve got rights and lots of ‘em. Sad. The rise in evangelical orthodoxy across most of the monotheistic religions has not only closed people’s minds to questioning but increased they member’s belief that they might as well save G-d the trouble and punish “wrongdoers” for him. Please. My great-grandmother used to say, “If you’re focused on your own salvation, you ain’t got time for somebody else’s.” What makes the naysayer’s comments particularly foolish is that they deny people the right to make stupid decisions and guarantees that when they do, no one will give a shit and the society will allow them to wallow in their own shit. It also denies that they, the religiously righteous, have ever or will ever do anything wrong – something in direct contradiction to the example set by many of their fallen leadership. So if you will excuse me, I have to complete doing something stupid in hopes that maybe someone with boots and the corresponding straps will leave instructions on how to pull them up. Enough said.

Torchwood – what can I say? Although John Barrowman as Captain Jack is clearly a hotty, Gareth David-Lloyd as Ianto Jones steals each scene between himself and Jack in Season 3’s Children of Earth. I am impressed by the maturity of the writers. Instead of two gay or bisexual characters, they allow a character to fall in love not based on a defined set of criteria-Ianto isn’t gay or bisexual. He just loves Jack (Ianto says to his sister, “It’s not men. It’s him. It’s only him”). I hate to tell my politicos in the LBGT movement but love doesn’t need a gender and gender is only politics because we make it. In the ideal world I’m building, love doesn’t need a purpose just a direction. I would like to see more writing of this type, where the love isn’t to fulfil some stupid (there’s that word again!) propped up fantasy created from the propaganda Disney movie ticker taping through our skulls but from real life where people fall in love with who they fall in love with, just ‘cuz. Enough said there too.

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