L' Shana Tova

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A very short rant

I have been refusing to read, watch, listen to or let alone write about the health care debate and the war in Afganistan because no one is talking just shouting. I am a card carrying member of the left and think they have had one drink too many at the hotel mini bar while allowing the Republicans to drink from the waterbowel of the common man. Both have become ridiculous such that I'd laugh if the issue didn't affect all 300 million of us.

And I guess that is what is missing in both debates-some sense of us. While a large minority of "colored folk" have chosen various ways to "tune in and drop out" (from crack to the local mega church), white people are busy running around complaining the sky is falling because of fears that they are now the minority. They are so use to "we" equalling "them" that in the face of a real "WE" they have fallen into a state of hysteria. It isn't so much "fear of a Black Planet" as it is "fear of a planet that ain't run by us". In other words, this health care discussion isn't so much a racial issue but a class issue in that all White folk seem to think they belong to the same class, even when they don't and colored folk with enough money are considered "one of us (them)" until we prove otherwise (which we seem to do quite readily and easily from Detroit news reports). Now the Republicans can run around claiming they are the party of the "common man" and point to the Hollywood studded guest list at any Democratic event then call them, "the party of the rich". Sorry folks, the only party the rich have is the Green Party and I ain't talking about any European party of the far left!

And as for Afganistan, if we leave what are we going to do next with this "war on terror"; try to nation build in Pakistan? Yeah, good luck with that. Now the Republicans are disavowing this war like rats getting off the Titanic. If I was George W. Bush, I'd be livid. I have actually heard commentators from the right indicate that we should fight this war from a law enforcement standpoint. Yeah sure, try selling that 6 months after 911 and you'd end up deported to someones third world hovel.
Geeze, and they complained that John Kerry was a flip flopper!

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