L' Shana Tova

Friday, April 30, 2010

Does Jack love Ianto?

It's happened again. I have become obbsessed with some British television program. They seem to run in waves-first was Dr. Who, then Blake's Seven, now Torchwood. I might not have gotten caught up in this show (which has led me back again to Dr. Who-damn you, BBC!) but this tender love triangle between Ianto, Gwen, and Jack. Thus, if you don't know what I am talking about but want to, watch these two videos. Then move wait for me to publish the fan fic. If you could care less, wait until I get pissed again with some stupid politician (it shouldn't take long) that should erase my current fangrrling mood. My husband, Mr. Grumpy, is hoping I will just go back to romance novels.

For someone who has no death, relationships are more complex. I would imagine that you would have not only many lovers but many loves. "To everything (turn, turn, turn)there is a season (turn, turn, turn) and a time for ever purpose under heaven". In my musings about this story I am writing, I have concluded that Jack finds contentment with Ianto and a sense of adventure with Gwen. Each pairing, Rhys and Gwen, Jack and Ianto represent this contentment. Is love contentment? It is a certain kind of love-it takes away human loneliness by affirming continous compaignonship. Passonate love eliminates loneliness through excitement and drug inducing the brain with dopamine blasts and serotin head rushes. Overtime, I would imagine, the latter gets tiresome for a human who has death chasing its heels. But for a "fixed point in time", that sort of desire runs in cycles. Jack is with Ianto because he enjoys the contentment for now. Because Ianto is now dead, we will never know if Jack tires of it and moves on.

More later........

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