L' Shana Tova

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A solution to terrorism-send in the Japanese

The Japanese need something to do. Obviously, this "peaceful living" thing imposed by General George MacArthur at the end of the Second World War in response to the horrific wartime antics of the Japanese dating as far back as their invasion of China isn't working. Case in point, the so-called "rape video" (see the 3/30 CNN story - http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/tech/2010/03/30/ctw.lah.japan.video.game.rape.cnn?iref=allsearch) that has come out in Japan and drawn outrage around the world. Forget the arguments about whether or not to allow it in the States. Trust me, those who want it already had it weeks and maybe even months before CNN or other major news entity woke up in the morning. The question also isn't why this society, by example of the porn and manga we knew about on 3/29, produces such violent, public spaces in the areas of entertainment (ever see those humiliating games shows they produce?). The question is why aren't we harnessing this energy and targeting it toward promising activities like the elimination of the Taliban?

Let's face it. Us Westerners like life too much to really do what has to be done to fight terrorism. We are only willing to go so far when it comes to war. That is why this war has gone on so long and the U.S. government was so willing to consider using a nuclear bomb they knew ahead of time would cause tremendous damage and loss of life at the end of WWII. If this Iraqi/Afghanistan war had a real draft attached to it, particularly one that took the sons and daughters of the rich, this war would have been over in 2008. If we really want to eliminate the Taliban and all the other terrorist groups worldwide, we need to send in the Japanese who obviously need some more productive and less destructive release for their hideous, violent tendencies. I know it sounds very racist but it just may work. Remember the kamikazes? A few of those would shut bin Laden right up and have Hamas shaking in their boots. And if not, it certainly would kill enough of them to make terrorism seem more like some bygone plague than a constant threat (and maybe I can get through an airport without being nearly strip searched and my bags raided for 2 hours).

And while we are at it, we should consider sending a few Germans in along with them.

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