L' Shana Tova

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Metro Times - Arts: Written on the mind and the body

Just the discussion of this book brought me to tears. I work with ex-offenders. I see them as broken men, worse off than the solider returning from war or the Katrina survivor as these people know they either did the right thing (in supporting their country) or didn't do anything wrong (by been swept up by the waters). But an ex-offender, is evil and seen upon by the society as having a debt they will never be able to repay. They are broken men, with undiagnosed at best and ignored at worst illnesses, from depression to PTSD, from multiple learning disabilities to closed head trauma, and from remnant bullets stuck throughout their bodies to closed head injuries. Dear Reader, you may have no sympathy for these men and I'm not asking for that. I am asking, are you going to watch these broken souls, too old to play the game and to young for a nursing home, simply disintegrate into the sidewalks of our urban centers?

Please read this book:
Metro Times - Arts: Written on the mind and the body

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