L' Shana Tova

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Food for Jewish Thought

Just finished my Torah reading for this Sabbath. I was impressed by a dvar torah for this week's portion, Chukat (Numbers 19:1-22:1). Rabbi Yoel H. Kahn, the rabbi of Congregation Beth El in Berkeley, California, points to three reasons Jews observe or chose to observe amongst the 613 mitzvot (and you thought there were only 10!): 1) because doing so is what makes us Jewish, 2) because it ties us to a community and a context with other Jews, and 3) because it enhances our intimacy and connectedness with G-d. Additionally, he adds these lines to his commentary:
"I, like you I suspect, am not always consistent about what motivates my Jewish commitments; at different times, I can give varying explanations for my various practices. Further, rarely are these differing reasons exclusive; often, all three factors, to different degrees, are present for me. Yet I have also noticed that I can be quick to judge others when their motivations and reasons for fulfilling specific mitzvot strike me as inappropriate or wrong; although I may myself use a differently nuanced version of the same value in a different context." (D'var Torah: Chukat: Ta'amai Hamitzvot - Rationales for the Commandments
June 13, 2010. Union for Reform Judiasm-Weekly Torah Story)

I have had more than my fair share of what used to be called "busy bodies" trying to run my salvation. You'd think they'd too busy running theirs, my great-grandmother would ask. Yet, as I grow older, I catch myself doing the same. Who amongst us hasn't stepped atop of another just for a temporary boost to our self-esteem? It isn't that growing old has led me to this-old age has just made it more painful to watch.

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