L' Shana Tova

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

To End Terrorism

The answer is simple but horrifying. I believe the Israelis understand it and huddle near its borders. We know it but cannot reconcil our liberal Christian existance with its ramifications. We must kill like the Mongols and save no civilians. We must go through the Middle East and attached regions without mercy, killing until we obtain guarantee from our enemies for bin Laden's head and protection for the future against any 9-1-1s. U.S. born Muslim radicals must be punished with little fanfare and much abuse; they should also loose their citizenship in the process and be treated as war criminals. Morever, there needs to be extensive religious tolerance, including allowing the mosque to be built near the 9-1-1 site. An alliance to the U.S. is expected and failure to adherence to its multi-cultural roots means that one can be subject to the revolting of ones citizenship and deportation-it would be the only grounds for such actions.

I could live with this. We have accused people of being un-American for much less.

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