L' Shana Tova

Monday, August 2, 2010

Job Hunting Sucks - AGAIN

I find myself taking a day off and avoiding work I brought home with me over the weekend. I've done nothing but celebrate my pity party and now I have a hangover. I've become so depressed that suicide isn't even an option for I fear my punishment would be to work the same job in hell for all eternity. Plus, I'm scared of pain. At least when you fall ill naturally, the doctors give you morphine or something.

I need a new job. Not the current job's fault. It's just me. I'm tired of the stress and my inability to handle it. I'm tired of the responsibility that I simply cannot meet. It's the "Peter Principle" for I have gone as far as I can and reached a ceiling that I cannot go beyond. I want to go and rest comfortably somewhere. Somewhere I can treat people and teach people how to treat people. I don't want to write grants (don't have that kind of writing talent), go to meetings to settle public policy (the public has already made up its mind and doesn't want it confused with facts), analyze data (the public has already decided what it will pay for so changing things or pointing out to them that human care is expensive is a waste of time), make people work harder than they can or know how (I'm tired of the whining), or coddle board members (who are just as clueless as the general public-they just have bigger egos). I'm just a simple, country therapist. Who would rather spend time with your drug addicted 16 year old or your bipolar aunt and get paid for it than with anyone else in the world with the exception of her family. *sigh*

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