L' Shana Tova

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Strategic Slaying of the Good American

Am I the only pundit who thinks the murder of those doctors in Afghanistan was a calculated move on the part of the Taliban? These folks had been in the country for decades in some cases. They had solid, trusted reputations. They knew the language, the culture, and more importantly would teach other aid workers the ropes. I bet they even advised the military at some points. Their murder was a blow to our efforts to rebuild that country and their knowledge simply cannot be replaced. At least that is what the Taliban are hoping.

You know what I am hoping? I am hoping that the Afghan people see this for the assassination. This country has one of highest infant mortality rates in the world. People die there of diseases that would make the poorest person in Haiti scratch his head. I have no problem with a community that wants to hold to the orthodoxy of its faith. Freedom of religion and all . . . But cling to it while women die unnecessarily in childbirth and babies routinely don't reach their 2nd birthdays is unacceptable and inexcusable. Should there be no outcry from the Afghan people themselves in reaction to this . . .if they fail to put their own bodies on the line for their own . . .should the only folks affronted by the appalling behavior be us, I am going to have to side with the growing crowd in Congress and demand that Obama pull my countries "babies" out of there. I am all for helping other people, after all I am a psychologist in the 'hood. But if I give you boots and boot straps then show you how to use them and you don't put things together, I have the right to pick up my bat and ball to go home. We could use that military personnel to fight wars within our own borders. How about they start in Detroit and the Southside of Chicago?

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