L' Shana Tova

Saturday, August 28, 2010


• If men longing for and leering at two “lesbians” having sex is disgusting and sexist why isn’t “slasher” writing, where straight women write gay porn for other straight women?
• Why do we look for miracles in the unusual when there are daily excitements every minute of the parts of our lives we miss?
• “Grief is pure, emerging from the depths of feelings and disappearing when exhausted. Sadness, on the other hand, is different. A person must cultivate it so as to be interested only in herself. Sadness is like a stone weighing one down. To be free, one must cast it off.” – The Five Books of Miriam by Ellen Frankel.
• Sometimes to miss you, you’ve gotta be gone first.
• Adolescents don’t make their raising hard but our feelings about them can make it hard on us.
• I looking for my single, Black sistsa to embrace their strength, kindly ignore the lonely 14 year old girl inside and demand man rise to the fully occasion of the wonder of responsibility of love.
• I’m hungry a drug that hasn’t been invented-it’s not regulated, legal or illegal, neither socially sanctioned nor embraced, neither “natural” nor produced by a pharmaceutical, and no celebrity has been sent for jail for using it improperly.
• Is school ever really out?
• You watch Dish Earth long enough you find yourself wondering when it’s going to blow up then feeling guilt for wishing the end of the world as you last reality tv show?
• Are sexual orientation labels necessary once gay rights are fully realized? Do I need to know which side of the fence you swing on in order to love you and you to love me?
• Does G-d understand my poorly pronounced Hebrew prayers?
• Can a porn star be a sexual freak in private at 80 years old?
• Why do we keep blaming a hurricane for the human devastation caused by common human callousness and disregard?

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