L' Shana Tova

Saturday, September 4, 2010

INTRODUCING Episode 1 of The New Bisexual

A description from the site: "Social media musings on the intersection of life, love, marriage, and sexuality, documentary videos and media memoirs, sexual exploration, all woven together (hopefully) with a little creativity and inspiration and music thrown in from the soundtrack of my life." This blog promises a great deal of mixed media but offers nothing direct information about the individual or individuals behind it. From reading other blog posts, I am assuming it is hosted by male or males - not that that is a problem. I like boys. Well, I like boys and girls but that's another discussion for another time . . .

The first video offering, called "Here Comes Anxiety", has many of the common musings expressed by many queer folk coming out. Although it is quite good, it adds nothing. It is the story of family rejection, abuse, self-hatred and survival denial. *sigh* Has so little changed in the 40+ years since Stonewall? Or am I just running faster than the rest of folk?

I don't want to disabuse you from following this man's offerings. Maybe future episodes will bring something new to the table. Or maybe my Daddy is right, there is nothing new under the sun and I'm just tilting at windmills? Or maybe we queer folk need these sob stories because these are all we have to offer each other - hasn't the end of the civil rights movement been a sad disappointment too? What about the feminist movement? At the end of the day, teen girls still believe sex is their only weapon and men still have no reason to avoid giving it to them in all the nastiest of permutations, from sexting and Girls Gone Wild through useless masturbatory head trips through slasher porn and voluntary scenes of throat gagging on porn sites. It must be necessary to be a victim in order to be relevant nowadays and even that is wearing thin. Just ask the folks in Haiti and Pakistan - oh, shit, forget the latter as they couldn't pay for any pity even if they had the money.

Ah, but dear reader, I am rambling. Maybe I should go back to masturbating.

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